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October to December 2011

Archive from 2005 till 2011



Happy New Year 2012

Posted on 31/12/2012 at 11:30 pm

Happy New Year 2012

All our best wishes.

Long and beautiful life for all our leonberger

Dominique, Jean-Claude and our Leonberger des Neiges de Chantelouve

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New pictures of Gervaise-Fructidor

Posted at 16/12//2011



Our puppies Leonberger Fructidor will celebrate their fourth month the day before Christmas.
Gervaise-Fructidor's Photographic gallery, our baby "Olive" was updated.
To reach it to follow this way

On the page Menu select Our breeding

On the page Breeding, activate the drop-down menu on Our Litters

The link towards the reach in Fructidor is everything below

We soon hope for new photos of her sisters

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Special National Show Leonberger in Laval

Posted at 01/12//2011 at 12:30 am


Satisfactory resultsfor our four registered Leonberger des Neiges de Chantelouve
Etienne-Ventôse, son of Antonin and Uppeline, Excellent in COM
Elise-Ventôse, his sister, 1st Excel at COF and CACS
Fatou-Brumaire, girl of Antonin and Carmen, 4th Excel at CIF
Fanchon-Vendémiaire, girl of Boniface and Adèle H, Excel at CIF

Thanks to Jean, Martine and Frédérique.

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Litter Leonberger -Floreal du Bonnie Blue Flag

Posted at 01/12//2011 at 12:30 am

Already two months for the litter G-Floréal born from the union of our Antonin with Capucine.
Thanks to Anne for this pretty picture.


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Puppies Leonberger of Etienne

Posted at 21/11/2011 at 14:30 am


  Very beautiful pictures of some puppies of Etienne born from his union with a beautiful foreign Leonberger, last October.
They all already found of course a good family...

Thanks to their breeder who can be very proud of this match and pups so attractive.


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Belle f in de saison pour les leonberg en travail à l'eau

Posted at 24/10//2011 at 12:06 am


 For the last competition of the season of aquatic rescue, seven sportive leonberger met, to cross degrees, on the ice-cold but sunny beach of Mesquer in 44.
After day crowned by beautiful successes altogether, picture of group in the setting sun, realized by my friend Claire whom I thank here

From left to right, Jean with Elise, Frédérique with Cosima, Martine with Eustache and Fatou, Guillaume with Fiji of the Girl Saunerie, Lara with Chiva des Prairies de la Guyonne, Etienne and my friend Josiane.

One very great tribute returned in our adorable Antonin dad of five on seven of these leo-dogs :
Elise, Eustache, Fatou, Chiva and Etienne.

And in attentive visitors, good supporters of the family, we had the pleasure to see again(to revise) our kind Garrance, daughter of Amélie and Eole, which with her aunt and cousin Elise, encourages her other aunt and cousin Cosima


As well as Félicien alias F Phebus, son of Adèle H and Boniface, with Virginia and Elsa


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Our puppies Leonberger Fructidor have soon three months

Postée le 20/10/2011 à 19h42


Finally a little the time to "blow" and especially to complete a page of the album-memory of our pups Fructidor,
who are already going to celebrate their three months.
There are still tens of pictures to be sorted out, videos to rise
and the personal galleries of four "leo-pups" to update.
Of what indeed to fill the weeks of the autumn which begins.
Thanks to their host families for the excellent news of these small young "ladies".

And, to wait, meeting on the page 6 of the album


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Cluny 2011, excellent results for our Leonberger

Postée le 10/10/2011 à 12h06

It is under a fine and penetrating rain that all the family, or almost,
Chantelouve met to Cluny, on October 9th of this year.

Cold and greyness outside, but sun and heat at the bottom of hearts.
We had a lot of pleasure to see again Leonbergers been born to us or descendants of our stud males ,
remote or closer friends.

The list would be too long so that we can name them all, we shall thus quote nobody from it,
but each will recognize himself.

A "well oiled" organization, with in the key, a great tribute returned
to all the dogs and their owners invested in working disciplines.

And in the end a harvest of results which, by shelling of the Good to the Excellent Selected beetwween the best dog in the show, Pre-Selected for the Best head of the ring, by way of Very Good, reminds to us,
so so much is that we were never able to forget it, that humility and sobriety must stay the golden rules of the breeding,
as well as the exhibitions and the winner titles
are only an unimportant episode in the life of our dogs
and especially in the love which we carry them.

There will be thus no display of the results of the Leonberger of Neiges de Chantelouve and it will be no more of question of Palmares for the one or the other

One thousand ccuddles in all our present Leos and thanks in their owners

Figaro-Vendémiaire dit Farouk with Olivier in Young Class Males
Elise-Ventôse with Frédérique in Open Class Females
Eponine-Prairial with me in Open ClassFemales
Cosima-Messidor with Frédérique in Open Class Females
Charline-Messidor with Nathalie in Winner Class Females
Etienne-Ventôse with me in Open Class Males

Il y a aussi au fond de mon coeur, un petit pincement qui fait mal, ce grand regret de n'avoir pu, faute de place dans la voiture, utilisée en co-voiturage, emmener et présenter notre beau Robin en vénérable, regret pour nous et regret pour Martine Lixion qui eût aimé, tout comme moi, que nos deux R, Robin le mien, Raoul, le sien, se retrouvent une fois encore côte à côte, fiers de leur parcours et surtout de leur vitalité.
  Raoul et Robin, deux champions, deux étalons côtés 6, et surtout deux vénérables de 11 ans.
Souvenirs? souvenir!
C'était il y a 8 ans, tous deux, nés à quelques jours l'un de l'autre débutaient alors, sur le même ring à quelques mètres l'un de l'autre, deux jeunots encore à l'aube de leur carrière, et quelle carrière!
Que de fois se sont ils retrouvés!
Et ce rendez vous manqué était peut-être leur ultime chance de se retrouver ensemble une fois encore.

Mais qui sait???? Peut on encore les espérer réunis une fois de plus en vénérable à Cluny en 2012?
Raoul et Robin, tenez bon!

Et pour finir un clin d'oeil à la grande absente, pour cause de chaleurs intempestives, et qui fut aussi la grande oubliée des léos cités au deuxième degré de sauvetage aquqtique par sa propre maîtresse ( qu'elle me pardonne!)

notre adorée Carmen, la célèbre Mimissicu...

Une Mimissicu qui devrait bientôt faire la Une de nos actualités mais....Chut!

N'anticipons pas.......

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Archive from 2005 till 2011



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